How a passionate gamer found his dream job

Gregory Janiczek works at Ubisoft, the leading supplier of computer and video games in Düsseldorf

The insolvency of his employer in the IT-sector eased the decision to start studying at the University of Wuppertal for Gregory Janiczek. "I have studied information technology and acquired a Bachelor degree. I have attended Chinese and Philosophy courses on the side, but I could not register most of them, because there were only three categories for additional courses on my certificate available. Therefore I still have 5-6 marks of various courses laying in my study folder, till today", he explains. Gregory soon finds a job as a student assistent at the University of Wuppertal due to his IT-skills. He supported the library, different academic chairs and the Center for Information and Media Processing (ZIM). "With my technical skills, which I consolidated in my studies, I supported the user support of the ZIM, so that students and the teaching staff could use the technical facilities of the University of Wuppertal. He helped out e.g. in connecting the own laptop with the university-intern WiFi, in lending technical devices and he supervised the website. Additionally, he held the course "Diploma Thesis with LaTeX". In doing so, he could foster his skills thus far, "that he still likes to give presentations in the company till today" and teaches at a private university in Düsseldorf on the side.

After his Bachelor degree in information technology, he changed to the Media Design University of Düsseldorf and finished his Master degree in Game Design. "I did that in order to connect my hobby - computer games - even more precisely with my technical skills", he explains. During his Master degree, he had to absolve an internship. "Luckily it happened so, that Ubisoft Blue Byte in Düsseldorf offered a trainee position as a Junior User Research Analyst, at this point in time. I immediatly applied and got the job fortunately." After this, one thing followed the other. "During my temporary trainee position, which was laid out for six months, I was able to convince the company to write my Master thesis as part of a research project of the company. After this was finished, I was offered a job in the User Research Lab in January 2012, which I gladly accepted. Since then, I am working in the User Research Lab and shaped the department sustainably with the others. Our department grew up to nine employees, in the meantime", he proudly says.

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